- rceeca.tj
In order to implement of the Plan for holding scientific and technical events for 2024, which was approved by the Resolution of the general assembly of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan No. 3 of January 5, 2024, on January 10, 2024, at the Research Center for Ecology and Environment of Central Asia (Dushanbe) an international scientific-practical conference was held on the topic "Technology and application of unmanned aircraft vehicles in scientific and practical purposes". More than 60 local and foreign scientists and experts participated in this conference.

- rceeca.tj
China-Tajikistan Research Center for UVA Application was established in Dushanbe and jointly supported by the CAS Research Center for UAV Applications and Regulation, CAS Research Center for Ecology and Environment of Central Asia with the Tajikistan Academy of Sciences, Committee for Emergency and Civil Defense, and Ministry of Transportation focused on the application of UAV Technology on disaster emergency, resource monitoring, boundary patrol control, land survey and other fields in Tajikistan and Central Asia.

- rceeca.tj
On January 18, 2022, in Dushanbe, within the framework of the UNDP / GEF project “Conservation and sustainable use of the Pamir-Alai and Tien Shan ecosystems for the protection of the snow leopard and sustainable life of communities”, a seminar was held on the topic “Issues of the conservation of the Snow Leopard in Tajikistan: the main Achievements and Future Challenges”.

- rceeca.tj
On August 23, 2022 in Dushanbe as part of the project “Conservation and sustainable use of Pamir-Alay and Tien Shan ecosystems for the conservation of the Snow Leopard and sustainable life of communities” a scientific conference was held on the topic “Mountain ecosystems, sustainable management of pastures and forests”. At the plenary session of the conference, reports were considered and discussed - presentations on the methodology for monitoring the snow leopard population, assessing the state of the population of the main prey of the snow leopard, sustainable use of mountain forest ecosystems, taking into account the conservation of the snow leopard population.