In order to implement the plans of scientific events approved by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2020 - conferences, symposiums and scientific seminars, on November 27, 2020, the Center held an international online video conference on the topic "The impact of climate change in the ecosystems of Central Asia".

  More than 25 scientists and experts from institutes and universities of the Russian Federation, the Kyrgyz Republic, the People's Republic of China, researchers from the Institute of Zoology and Parasitology named after E.N. Pavlovsky, the Institute of Botany, Physiology and Genetics of Plants, the Institute of Geology, Seismic Engineering and Seismology, the State Scientific Institution "Center for the Study of Glaciers", the Research Center for Ecology and Environment of Central Asia (Dushanbe) and the Khatlon Research Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, also professors of the Tajik Agrarian University named after Sh. Shotemur, Khorog State University named after M. Nazarshoev, and the Institute of Technology and Innovation Management of the city of Kulyab presented their scientific reports on the impact of climate change on ecosystems.