In Tajikistan, hazardous natural occurrences, including mudflows, pose a considerable threat to infrastructures and people's lives. The frequency and intensity of these natural disasters have escalated in recent years, necessitating efficient monitoring and management strategies.

  Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have emerged as valuable tools for disaster mapping and research. This study focuses on the analysis and mapping of natural hazards in various regions of Tajikistan from 2020 to 2023, with a special focus on mudflows, using a small-sized QC-2 Micro UAV with flight duration of more than 1 hour, equipped with a Sony RX1R camera and a DJI Phantom quadcopter 4 to monitor and study them. Field work included aerial photography of the consequences of mudflows in the Khuroson and Vakhsh districts of the Khatlon region, the Penjikent district of the Sughd region, as well as the Tajikabad, Lakhsh, Varzob districts of republican subordination (DRS). The findings indicate that mudflows are among the most devastating natural disasters, causing significant damage and loss of life. During 2020-2023 mud-flows were recorded in 49 districts and cities of Tajikistan and the amount of damage amounted to about 30.2 million US dollars. Mapping and monitoring using UAVs provided vital data to analyze the extent of damage, identify vulnerable areas, and support emergency response efforts. The study underscores the importance of employing modern technologies to mitigate and manage disaster risk in Tajikistan.